John Jay was a patriot and a American statesman Was the second governor of New York Was appointed by President Washington Treaty of Paris John Jay Minister to Spain First and second Continental Congresses Committee of third New York Provincal Congress One of the Founding Fathers of the United States
Author: jsorgee
Hour of Code Reflections
Accenture intelligent Space Exploration: I learned that you have to design the robot to have sight and other senses. One activity i did was that i had to move the robot and take pictures of stuff so the robot could tell if it was good or bad.
Life Of A Ship Builder
Landform Check out my link about lakes!
ONE SCARY MIDNIGHT three kids had to deliver something from their mom’s house to their grandmother’s house. They were told to not go through the woods because it was haunted. They had heard stories about kids going missing in those woods. They did not believe those stories, so they went through the woods. They heard Read More…
9-11 Reflections
On 9-11 it was a normal,beautiful day.Then,a plane had hit the one of the twin towers.At first people thought it was an accident.But people saw another plane hit the tower also.At that time people new it was an attack.There were people in the building that died.Firefighters and police died also.Then it was all Read More…
The Life in 5th Grade
5th grade is sometimes hard and sometimes easy.One thing i like about school is that you get to see your friends.One thing I look forward to in school is to learn more in science.Another thing I look forward to is that I want to learn more about american history.Another thing I like about school is Read More…
Yellow Cosmos
You can find the Yellow Cosmos in all regions of the United States.The height of the Yellow Cosmos is 2 to 3 feet tall.The Yellow Cosmos can live up to 21 days.The blooming period is from May to November.The color of the Yellow Cosmos is actually kind of orange.The scientific name for the Yellow Cosmos Read More…