9-11 Reflections

     On 9-11 it was a normal,beautiful day.Then,a plane had hit the one of the twin towers.At first people thought it was an accident.But people saw another plane hit the tower also.At that time people new it was an attack.There were people in the building that died.Firefighters and police died also.Then it was all over the news and they heard that another plane crashed into the pentagon.It made a big hole in it.People on a airplane at that time heard about the attack and everyone was scared.Then more hijackers tried to take over another plane,but passengers of that airplane did not allow that to happen.So they started a fight with the hijackers and they stopped the plane from hitting another building.But the plane still crashed in the Pennsylvania field.A lot of people died that day,and nobody will forget that day.


Photo Credit;https://commons.wikimedia.org/

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